Dallas Long Term Disability Insurance Lawyer – ERISA

Bob Goodman, Attorney
Has your disability insurance claim been denied? Texas employment laws, insurance laws and the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) give rights to employees who are entitled to such benefits. As Texas long term disability insurance attorneys, we can help ensure that your employee rights to disability benefits are protected. As disability claims attorneys, we represent clients with compassion, with an attitude of willful stubbornness toward the insurer.
Short-Term Disability Claims and Long-Term Disability Claims
Our disability insurance attorneys understand the distinct legal standards applicable to disability claims and develop strategies and tactics for pursuing cases.

Andrea Clark, Paralegal
Disability Claims Under Employer Group Plans
These claims can be difficult to win, especially when disability claims governed by ERISA laws were denied. An experienced disability insurance lawyer is often necessary to obtain payment. Many disability insurers are shameless, and this is why retaining counsel is important. Kilgore & Kilgore has handled many ERISA claims and can help overcome the hurdles the insurance companies throw in the way. Our approach often leads to a reversal of a denial and payment. In isolated instances, a lump sum settlement of all or part of the present value of future benefits through the end of the term of benefits has been achieved.
Disability Claims Under Group Plans or Professional Organizations
These claims may or not be governed by ERISA laws, depending on the organization’s relationship to its members and the nature of the policy. If governed by ERISA laws, they must be pursued in the same fashion as employer group disability claims. If the decision to deny a claim was wrong, you may be able to recover lost benefits and interest, compensatory damages, attorney fees and in extreme cases, punitive damages. Pursuing these claims is not as difficult as under ERISA, but the mindset of the insurers tends to be slanted toward denial. That same bullheadedness in an attorney is required to pursue these claims.
Disability Claims Under Individual Insurance Policies
These policies have long been available to physicians, dentists and lawyers. Sometimes, individuals who are not professionals also purchase them. Claims under such policies are generally not governed by ERISA laws. These claims have a higher degree of favorable resolution. However, you will face the same unreasonableness common in the employer plan context.
Satisfied Clients Tell Us
Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials that people have sent to thank our employee benefits attorneys for getting them back on track. Kilgore & Kilgore can do the same for you.
Reach Out to Us
To learn more about our disability insurance law practice or to schedule an appointment to discuss matters in confidence with a disability insurance lawyer at our Dallas office, contact us. We offer a free review of the facts of your case with a Kilgore & Kilgore attorney.
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