Our Dallas Discrimination Lawyers Hold Employers Liable for Employee Rights Violations
Our Dallas discrimination lawyers are sensitive to the legal, economic, and emotional dynamics that arise when employment discrimination occurs. The employment law attorneys at our firm pursue favorable resolution of discrimination claims in the workplace, with employers, the EEOC, and the TWC.
A Discrimination Lawyer Will Explain the Law as it Applies to Your Situation

Clark Will, Attorney
A discrimination lawyer in Dallas will tell you that employers can be held liable for wrongful termination, employment retaliation, discrimination, defamation, harassment, including sexual harassment, and other violations of employee rights in the workplace. Your employee rights are protected in hiring, promotion, discipline, and job assignments based on:
- Race discrimination, national origin discrimination, religious discrimination, and sex or gender discrimination (Civil Rights Act of 1964);
- Age discrimination (Age Discrimination Act);
- Pregnancy discrimination and family leave to care for a spouse or child, whether paid or unpaid leave (Family Medical Leave Act – FMLA);
- Discrimination against pregnant women (Pregnancy Discrimination Act);
- Disability discrimination, including the employer’s unwillingness to make an accommodation for a disabled employee (Americans with Disabilities Act – ADA);
- Discrimination when you use, or request to use, employee benefits such as paid sick leave, family medical leave, short or long term disability leave, health insurance or retirement funds (ERISA);
- Discrimination regarding your status as a member of the U.S. Military (USERRA); and
- Discrimination over your attempt to speak with co-workers about issues in the workplace, including pay (NLRB).
Employee Rights in the Workplace
You are protected from discrimination, wrongful termination, retaliation, defamation, harassment, including sexual harassment, and other violations of worker rights in the Dallas workplace in cases where:
- You refused to engage in unlawful activity;
- You reported your employer for unlawful behavior; or
- You complained to your employer about discrimination.
Defamation Lawsuits Arising from a Performance Review or FINRA Form U-5
Kilgore & Kilgore in Dallas also handles defamation cases that arise from performance reviews, corporate communications, employee conduct investigations, supervisor disciplinary actions, employment termination meetings, and post-employment job references. To establish a legal claim for defamation in Texas, an employee must show that an employer made a false statement about him or her that was published, that it caused the plaintiff harm, and that the employer made the statement with malice. The most common defamation cases involve allegations of illegal drug use, dishonesty, business fraud, or sexual harassment. Defamations can be particularly damaging when they are included on a FINRA Form U-5 because employees cannot find subsequent employment. Our attorneys are well versed in the FINRA process for pursuing FINRA Form U-5 cases.
Our Dallas Discrimination Lawyers Can Also Help You in Other Ways
If you were denied employee benefits to which you were entitled by law, if you observed affirmative action violations, or if businesses deny rights to equal employment opportunity, the employment lawyers at our firm can help you understand you rights under the law. Our attorneys in Texas pursue a variety of legal remedies, according to the goals of our clients, such as:
- Reinstatement, promotion, or reassignment;
- Compensatory damages;
- Punitive damages; and
- Recouping legal fees.
We Believe in Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Treatment by Employers
The attorneys at Kilgore & Kilgore have practiced employment law in Texas for over three decades. These days, many employment law matters are resolved by arbitration. We have represented clients in numerous arbitrations and jury trials. However, the attorneys at our firm aim to settle most employment law cases BEFORE trial.
Our Dallas Discrimination Lawyers Hear from Clients
Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials testimonials that people have sent to thank our discrimination lawyers for getting them back on track. An attorney from Kilgore & Kilgore in Dallas might do the same for you.
If Your Employee Rights Were Violated, Reach Out to Us
To learn more about our employment discrimination and defamation law practice in Texas, click here Employment Law Practice. We offer a free review of the circumstances of your case. To get started, click here Contact Kilgore & Kilgore to connect with an employment attorney.
The second time I consulted Bob was in 2018 and involved a complex discrimination matter. He stands apart in his knowledge of employment law, which the first attorney I consulted did not grasp. My former attorney worked on that case for two years until I lost hope. I was distraught and consulted with Bob, who settled the matter in just 30 days. He understood my situation and put it down on paper better than I could have done.
The first time I consulted Bob was in 2016. He helped me resolve a severance negotiation. Bob is a brilliant lawyer. He is objective. I knew he was going to do the right thing for me. I literally sighed and thought that I was going to be okay now. Bob has empathy. He is the calm in the storm. I’m a huge fan.”
– JLH, Employment Discrimination Case, 2003
Pegram v. Honeywell, Inc., 361 F.3d 272 (5th Cir. 2004), Race Discrimination
McKinney v. Montgomery Kone, Inc., 2004 WL 813204 (N.D. Tex. 2004), Three Plaintiffs, Race Discrimination
Kilgore & Kilgore’s discrimination lawyers want to help you understand discrimination law and how it affects you in your workplace. Here is a jumping off point so you can find and read the blog articles written by our discrimination lawyers… Read More
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