Personal Injury or Wrongful Death? Call Us Today

Auto Wrecks
Truck Accidents
Motorcycle Crashes
Bike Collisions
Work Injuries
Catastrophic Accidents
Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Our Dallas personal injury lawyers focus on the big picture of your recovery – not just the legal solution. We care about the injured victim and your family. We understand the physical, mental, and emotional problems of people suffering injuries. We help when you have problems getting your medical care, physical therapy, and other bills paid. We assist you with the insurance claim and your financial recovery. Our trial skills win in court. Our goal is to create the best possible outcome.

Texas Auto, Truck, Motorcycle, and Bike Accidents

People injured in vehicle crashes want the compensation they deserve and to achieve justice. When an auto, truck, motorcycle, or bike accident occurs, anyone injured in that accident can file a personal injury claim against the at fault driver and insurance company. If you find yourself navigating through medical care and insurance claims, call our personal injury lawyers.

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Texas Accident or Wrongful Death Lawsuit Attorney

Our personal injury lawyers recommend that you take the following steps when someone is injured:

  • Seek medical care.
  • Get and keep all receipts of payments made.
  • Request copies of medical care records.
  • Gather the contact information of everyone who witnessed the accident.
  • Collect your insurance coverage documents and insurance policies.
  • Report the accident to your employer.
  • Hire a personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible to avoid any evidence being lost and time wasted.

Work Injury in Texas

Our personal injury lawyers are trail blazers in non-subscriber injury claims in Texas. We understand the distinct factors and processes of different courts. We navigate the court system, trial, and appeal to ensure the best possible recovery. Call our personal injury lawyers to help you get the justice you deserve.

Personal injury cases our Texas lawyers have resolved include work injuries, construction site accidents, and injuries caused by a lapse in oversight and compliance with OSHA regulations. Our experience includes accidents at:

  • oil rigs
  • industrial sites
  • forklift injuries
  • injuries from working to satisfy management demands
  • falling over hazardous obstacles on worksite
  • dangerous situations of all types.

Legal Help for Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic accident leaves the victim with life-changing and long-term consequences. The loss of sight or hearing, nerve damage, brain, or eye injury, neurological damage, amputation – all are a result of a catastrophic accident. The types of these accidents are as varied as the causes. These include fires, explosions, airline crashes, auto and boat, motorcycle, and bicycle crashes.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

When someone dies, the survivor may be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit. There are several types of compensation that may be claimed including economic damages – medical, funeral expenses, etc.- and the loss of the financial contributions the victim would have made to the survivors, such as income, pension, and inheritance. In Texas, exemplary damages, sometimes known as punitive damages, may also be claimed against the company or person that caused the death due to gross negligence.

In Texas, the surviving spouse, children, and parents of the deceased have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Other family members of the deceased may also have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Call our wrongful death lawyers to learn what is appropriate for your loss and which legal rights are afforded to your situation.


Non-subscriber Insurance Claims for Workplace Injuries… Read Article

Personal Injury – Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against General Motors Continues to Reverberate… Read Article