Employee Rights at Work – Political Discussions in the Workplace

Most employees believe they have a First Amendment right to free speech, and that allows them to discuss political issues whenever they want without restriction, including at work. But while employees do have some protected rights vis-a-vis their employers to discuss some political subjects, these rights are very restricted. First, it is important to remember that the First Amendment applies only to government restrictions on free speech. If you are not a public service employee, then your employer is not the government. So, unless another law gives you the protected right to speak about politics at work, your boss can prohibit you from doing so, or regulate how, when and where you do so. Your employer can fire you at will if you don’t comply with these company rules.

An employee’s right to discuss outside politics in the workplace is defined by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). This Act gives employees a narrow window of political subjects that can be discussed in the workplace, but such discussions must be related to workplace issues. Section 7 of the NLRA provides employees the right to engage in “concerted activities” for “mutual aid or protection” regarding specifically identified employment-related concerns. For example, promoting a candidate specifically because of his/her support for unions, increased minimum wage, safety in the workplace, immigration reform, etc. These discussions would fall within a worker’s rights under Section 7. But employees are still employees, and they are expected to first and foremost perform their jobs. So any political discussions or campaigning is restricted to non-working hours in non-working areas.

Section 7 does not protect purely political activity. If you want to wear t-shirts or buttons that support a candidate, or campaign for that candidate in any way, then whatever you wear or say must be specifically linked to the employment-related issue. And, if your employer has neutral policies governing the time, manner and place of the protected speech that is permitted under Section 7, then you have to abide by those rules, as well. Keep in mind that these protections under the NLRA apply to most private businesses, not just to unionized employers. But these rights apply only to non-supervisory employees, not to supervisors or managers.

In addition, federal regulations cut both ways regarding politics in the workplace. Some laws, regulations and rules may themselves restrict employee rights. For example, if an employee’s discussions involve race, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or military status — especially when the subject is emotional and the conversation heated — they risk subjecting the employer to claims of discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

While few and far between,there are some states that outlaw some forms of discrimination against employees for engaging in some forms of political activities.

Under Section 276.001 of the Texas Elections Code, an employer cannot retaliate against an employee because the employee voted for a particular candidate or refused to reveal who the employee voted for. In fact, it is a third degree felony to do so. Retaliation includes harming, threatening to harm, or reducing an employee’s wages or another employee benefit. In addition, in Texas an employer cannot prevent or retaliate against an employee for voting, and must allow employees to vote during working hours unless the polls are open on an election day for at least two consecutive hours outside of the employee’s work time.

New York has an “off-duty conduct” statute which prohibits employer discrimination based on an employee’s “political” activities. Such activities include running for public office, campaigning for candidates or participating in political fundraising activities.

One other thing to keep in mind is that if you belong to a union, your contract may prohibit discrimination or retaliation by your employer against union workers based on their political activity, especially for activities outside of working hours and not on the business premises.

All in all, while it’s a given that many employees are going to discuss politics in one way or another at work, especially in the run-up to a heated election, it is also true that employers are recognized as having the right to reasonably regulate how, where and when these discussions take place, and regarding what subjects. Failure to understand this could cost you your job. And if it does there may be nothing you or the best employment lawyers can do about it.

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